Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000
Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000

Scrap Yard

We Pay Cash for Scrap Cars. Free Towing & Removal To The Scrap Yard is Always Free of Charge.

Do you have an old, beat up, rusted out junk car taking up space on your property? Are you tired of seeing it sitting in your garage, or looking at it every time you leave your house? Well, we’ve got the solution for you! Instead of holding onto that old clunker, call Rusty’s Auto Salvage and let us pay you top dollar for it. We work all across the country buying junk cars, and we’ll gladly pay you cash for yours. Call us for a free, no obligation quote: 866-439-4401.

Other junk yards offer next to nothing for your vehicle, and some scrap yards even try to charge you last minute, hidden fees. Well, Rusty’s does things differently! No hassles, no gimmicks, no tricks, no scams: just cold, hard cash for your vehicle. When you call us, we’ll set up a time to pick up your car and pay you cash for it on the spot! And, best of all, our towing service is absolutely free. That’s right: there’s no charge whatsoever for towing. We take care of everything! When you’re ready to sell your junk car, don’t waste your time dealing with another company: just call Rusty’s Auto Salvage at 866-439-4401.

Rusty's Auto Salvage pays cash for Scrap cars, vans, trucks and SUV's. The towing and removal of your scrap vehicle is always fast, free & arranged to fit your schedule.

Don't scrap your car for free removal and no cash or worse yet pay to have it towed away to a scrap yard! Rusty's will pay top-dollar regardless of your vehicles condition. Simply contact one of our vehicle valuation specialists for a no-obligation quote which takes only minutes. If you find our offer acceptable, the next step is to schedule the free removal of your scrap car. Our national network of towers will arrive at your vehicle's location, pay you as promised and remove your vehicle to a local salvage yard. 

How to Scrap Your Car Today....

  1. Get an instant quote by calling 1-866-439-4401
  2. Set up an appointment with your local tower.
  3. Our tower will pay you cash on the spot.
  4. We will tow your scrap vehicle to our local scrap yard FREE of charge.

You do not have to be present at time of pickup - alternative payment methods can be arranged. Arrangements for junk cars without keys and/or titles can usually be accommodated.

Rusty's is awesome!!! They gave me a great price, offered to pick the car up the next day, tow truck came right on time gave us the check quick and easy!!! Great customer service, I'd recommend Rusty's to everyone hands…

Sammy - Lincoln, NE

So easy. I went online and talked to a Rusty's rep, who asked me a few questions. Within a few minutes I had a quote of $1000 for my old mini-van. Then within 24 hours, the towing company was there…

Gloveman - Bangor, ME

Great service! Fast pick-up! No hesitation on recommending to friends =)

BernTing - Grand Forks, ND

Call 1-866-439-4401 for an instant Quote