Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000
Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000

Amarillo, Texas Junkyards & Salvage Yards

Amarillo - get max cash for your junk car right now Trade your junk car for a stack of cash in Amarillo, TX

If you drive around Amarillo and keep an eye out, you’ll see your share of junk cars. They’re all over the place, and there are all different kinds out there: trucks, vans, station wagons, big cars, small cars, SUVs, the works. And guess what? One of those junk cars belongs to you.

You might be upset about the fact that you have a junk car, but you don’t have to be! What do we mean? Easy: Rusty’s Auto Salvage buys junk cars here in Amarillo, and we can pay you cash for your vehicle right now! Working with us couldn’t be easier, and you’re guaranteed to get the max amount of cash possible for your junk car. Don’t waste another day procrastinating: call Rusty’s Auto Salvage now at 866-439-4401.

The best customer service in all of Amarillo

Junkyards aren’t exactly known for their customer service. If you’ve ever tried working with one, you know exactly what we mean. Some of them are just difficult to work with, but others are actually out to scam you. Either way, dealing with a junkyard can be a bit of a nightmare.

The good news, though, is that Rusty’s Auto Salvage is nothing like your average junkyard. We’re a national company, and we have an excellent reputation for providing stellar customer service. When you call us at 866-439-4401, you’ll speak with one of our highly trained, knowledgeable, friendly customer service representatives. They’ll answer any questions you might have, and within a couple of minutes you’ll receive a quote for your vehicle. Once you know what your junk car is worth, you can decide how you’d like to proceed.

If you opt to sell your junk car to Rusty’s Auto Salvage, you can get your cash within a day’s time! We don’t want to make you wait. We know how stressful it can be trying to deal with a junk car, which is why we’re happy to get you your cash immediately!

We buy junk cars in Amarillo

Here’s the bottom line: keeping your junk car around is just a bad idea. The longer it sits on your property, the less it’s going to be worth. Why not sell it right away? We can assure you that working with Rusty’s Auto Salvage will be fast, easy, and good for your wallet!

Get cash for your junk car today! Call Rusty’s Auto Salvage now at 866-439-4401.

Thinking Time Is Over And Now It Is Time To Sell Your Junk Car

Here is what you need to do to get rid of your car the right way. You can finally clear out your garage and make some needed storage space. You will not be charged for the towing either because that is part of what we do for our customers who accept our quote. You can get a nice amount of cash when you sell your junk car to Rusty's Auto Salvage. Provide us with some basic information and receive a top dollar quote today. Give us a call at 866-439-4401 and find out how much your junk car is worth and get paid fast!

Cash For Junk Cars: Turning Trash into Treasure

Parts of a Junk Car in Amarillo, Texas Selling your old, beaten-up car for cash may sound like a pipe dream, but it's a reality for many savvy individuals who have discovered the world of "Cash For Junk Cars." If you have a vehicle that's seen better days, you might be sitting on a goldmine, and this article will guide you through the process of turning your junk car into cold, hard cash.

Unlocking the Value: Which Parts of a Junk Car Have the Most Value?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of selling your clunker, let's talk about where the real value lies in a junk car. It's not just a heap of metal waiting to be hauled away; it's a treasure trove of valuable components. Here's a breakdown of the parts that can fetch you a handsome sum:
  1. Engine and Transmission: These are the heart and soul of any vehicle. If they're in working condition or can be refurbished, they're highly sought after.
  2.  Catalytic Converter: These contain precious metals like platinum, palladium, and rhodium, making them valuable to scrap yards.
  3. Car Battery: Even an old car battery can be recycled, and many auto parts stores will buy them.
  4. Tires and Rims: If your tires have some life left in them and your rims are in good shape, you can sell them separately.
  5. Exterior Parts: Bumpers, headlights, and other exterior parts can be sold if they're still in decent condition.
  6. Scrap Metal: The rest of your vehicle can be sold as scrap metal. Even though it might not fetch as much as the valuable components, it's still worth something.

Why Should I Sell My Junk Car To Rusty's Auto Salvage?

Now that you know what makes your junk car valuable let's explore why Rusty's Auto Salvage might be your best option when it comes to cashing in on your clunker. At Rusty's Auto Salvage, we've built a reputation for offering top dollar for junk cars. Here's why you should consider us:
  • Free Towing: We'll come to your location and tow your junk car away for free, saving you the hassle and cost of arranging transportation.
  • Quick and Easy Process: We make the selling process simple and straightforward. You can get a quote online or over the phone, and once you accept our offer, we'll schedule a convenient pickup time.
  • Top Dollar Offers: We pay competitive prices for junk cars, ensuring you get the most value out of your old vehicle.
  • Environmentally Responsible: We're committed to environmentally responsible recycling practices, ensuring that your junk car is disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.
  • Customer-Focused: Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to assist you every step of the way, making the process as smooth as possible.

Does Texas Still Have a Junk Car Cash for Clunkers Program?

If you're wondering whether your state still offers a "Cash for Clunkers" program, you're not alone. These programs were introduced in various states to incentivize people to trade in their old, fuel-inefficient vehicles for more eco-friendly options. While the federal "Cash for Clunkers" program ended in 2009, some states continue to run their own variations of it. To find out if your state has a similar program in place, it's best to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles or visit their website. Program availability, eligibility criteria, and incentives can vary from state to state, so it's essential to get up-to-date information.

Are You a Junk Car Buyer Near Me?

One of the most common questions people have when looking to sell their junk car is whether there's a buyer nearby. Local options can be more convenient and potentially more profitable than dealing with out-of-state buyers. Thankfully, there are plenty of junk car buyers scattered across the country. To find a junk car buyer near you, consider these steps:
  1.  Online Search: Use search engines to look for "junk car buyers near me." This should give you a list of local options.
  2.  Ask for Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or acquaintances who may have sold their junk cars locally.
  3.  Check Classified Ads: Websites like Craigslist or local classified ads often feature listings from junk car buyers.
  4.  Contact Local Salvage Yards: Salvage yards are known for buying junk cars. Give them a call to inquire about their services.

Is Selling My Car to an Online Junk Car Buyer Safe?

The rise of online junk car buyers has opened up a new avenue for selling your old vehicles, but safety concerns are valid. While there are reputable online buyers, there are also potential scams to watch out for. Here are some tips to ensure a safe and successful online junk car sale. Investigate the online buyer thoroughly. Look for reviews, ratings, and customer feedback to gauge their reputation.  Don't settle for the first offer you receive. Get quotes from multiple online buyers to ensure you're getting a fair deal. Don't hesitate to ask the buyer questions about their process, payment methods, and any additional fees. Ensure that the buyer is properly licensed and insured to operate in your area. Be cautious about sharing sensitive personal information online. Stick to reputable websites and avoid suspicious requests for personal data. Selling your junk car online can be a convenient and profitable option, but due diligence is essential to avoid potential pitfalls.

Finding a Replacement Title in Texas

Before you can sell your junk car, you'll likely need to have a valid title for it. However, what do you do if your title is lost, damaged, or otherwise unavailable? In Texas, the process for obtaining a replacement title can vary, but it typically involves the following steps:
  1. Visit your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office or their website.
  2. Fill out the application for a replacement title.
  3. Pay the required fee, which varies by state.
  4. Provide proof of ownership, such as a previous registration or bill of sale.
  5. Wait for your replacement title to be processed, which may take several weeks.
Once you have the replacement title in hand, you'll be ready to move forward with selling your junk car for cash.

The Pros and Cons of Donating a Junk Car

While selling your junk car for cash is a popular option, some people consider donating their old vehicles to charitable organizations. Donating a junk car has its pros and cons, and it's essential to weigh them carefully before making a decision. Pros:
  • Tax Deduction: Donating your car to a qualified charitable organization may allow you to claim a tax deduction.
  • Helping a Cause: Your donated vehicle can benefit a charitable cause you care about.
  • Convenience: Donating is often straightforward and may include free towing.
  • Lower Value: Donating typically yields a lower financial return compared to selling for cash.
  • Limited Choices: You'll need to find a charity that accepts junk cars, which can be more challenging than finding a cash buyer.
  • Potential Costs: Some charities may require you to cover towing or other expenses.
Ultimately, the decision to donate or sell your junk car depends on your financial goals and charitable intentions.

Understanding Junk or Abandoned Car Laws in Texas

Junk Car Cash for Clunkers Program in Amarillo, Texas Texas has specific laws regarding junk or abandoned cars, and it's crucial to be aware of these regulations to avoid legal issues when selling your clunker. Some common aspects of these laws include:
  • Registration Requirements: Junk cars may need to be properly registered with the DMV, even if they are not operational.
  • Storage Restrictions: Laws may dictate where you can store a junk car on your property and for how long.
  • Abandoned Vehicle Definitions: Understanding what qualifies as an abandoned vehicle can prevent potential legal complications.
  • Towing and Disposal Rules: Regulations may cover how and where junk cars can be towed and disposed of.
Failure to comply with these laws can result in fines and other penalties. It's advisable to research and adhere to the specific laws governing junk cars in your area.

Selling a Junk Car with a Salvage Title in Amarillo

If your junk car has a salvage title, you may wonder if it's still possible to sell it in Amarillo. Salvage titles are typically assigned to vehicles that have been severely damaged or deemed a total loss by insurance companies. While it's possible to sell a junk car with a salvage title, there are a few things to consider:
  • Disclosure: Be honest about the salvage title when selling your car, as failing to disclose this information can lead to legal trouble.
  • Value: Salvage title cars usually have lower resale value than those with clean titles, so your expectations should be realistic.
  • Buyer's Assessment: Some buyers may still be interested in purchasing a junk car with a salvage title, especially if they plan to use it for parts or repair.
It's essential to find a buyer who understands the implications of a salvage title and is willing to work with you on a fair price.

Choosing the Right Junk Car Buyer

Now that you're ready to sell your junk car, selecting the right buyer is crucial to ensure a smooth and profitable transaction. Here are some tips on how to make the best choice:
  • Research: Look for reputable junk car buyers in your area. Read reviews and check their reputation with organizations like the Better Business Bureau.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: Don't settle for the first offer you receive. Request quotes from several buyers to compare prices.
  • Check for Licensing: Verify that the buyer is properly licensed and insured to operate in your state.
  • Ask About the Process: Inquire about the buyer's process for towing, paperwork, and payment. A transparent and straightforward process is a good sign.
  • Customer Feedback: Ask for references or reviews from previous sellers to gauge the buyer's professionalism and reliability.
Choosing the right junk car buyer ensures that you receive a fair price for your clunker and experience a hassle-free sale.

 What is Required to Sell My Car for Cash in Amarillo?

Selling your junk car in Amarillo is easier than you might think. Here are the basic steps you'll need to follow:
  • Documentation: First, gather all the necessary paperwork for your car. This typically includes the title, registration, and any maintenance records you have. Having these documents in order will make the selling process smoother.
  • Research: Do some research to determine the value of your junk car. Factors like the make, model, year, and overall condition will impact its worth. You can use online resources or get quotes from local buyers.
  • Contact Buyers: Reach out to local junk car buyers or salvage yards in Amarillo. You can often find them online or in local directories. Provide them with accurate information about your car, including its condition and any issues it may have.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: It's a good idea to get quotes from several buyers to ensure you're getting the best deal. Compare offers and choose the one that works best for you.
  • Arrange for Towing: If your junk car is not in drivable condition, you'll need to arrange for towing to the buyer's location. Some buyers offer free towing services, while others may deduct the cost from your payment.
  • Complete the Sale: Once you've accepted an offer and the buyer has inspected your car, complete the necessary paperwork to transfer ownership. You'll receive payment, and your junk car will be off your hands!
Remember that the process may vary slightly depending on the buyer and local regulations in Amarillo. It's essential to follow the laws and regulations related to selling vehicles in your area.

Should I Sell My Junk Car or Continue to Maintain It?

Deciding whether to sell your junk car or continue maintaining it is a common dilemma for many car owners. Here are some factors to consider:
  • Repair Costs: Evaluate the cost of repairs versus the current value of your car. If the repairs are significantly more expensive than the car's worth, selling it for cash makes more sense.
  • Reliability: Is your junk car constantly breaking down and leaving you stranded? If so, it might be time to part ways with it. A reliable vehicle is crucial for your daily commute and peace of mind.
  • Space: Junk cars take up valuable space on your property. If you need that space for other purposes or simply want a cleaner environment, selling the car can free up room.
  • Environmental Impact: Recycling and scrapping your junk car can have environmental benefits. Many parts can be reused, reducing the need for new manufacturing and minimizing waste.
In many cases, selling your junk car is the most practical choice. You can use the cash for a down payment on a new car or to cover unexpected expenses.

How Do I Scrap My Car That's Been Wrecked in Amarillo?

If your car has been involved in an accident and is now a wreck, you can still turn it into cash by scrapping it. Here's what you need to do:
  • Contact a Scrapyard: Look for reputable scrapyards or auto recyclers in Amarillo. They specialize in dismantling and recycling vehicles.
  • Provide Details: When you contact the scrapyard, provide them with information about your wrecked car, including its make, model, and the extent of the damage.
  • Get a Quote: The scrapyard will offer you a quote based on the car's weight and the current price of scrap metal. Compare quotes from different scrapyards to get the best deal.
  • Arrange for Towing: Like selling a junk car, you'll need to arrange for towing if your wrecked car is not drivable. Many scrapyards offer towing services as part of the deal.
  • Complete the Transaction: Once your wrecked car is at the scrapyard, complete the necessary paperwork to transfer ownership. You'll receive payment based on the agreed-upon price.
Scrapping your wrecked car is not only a convenient way to get rid of it but also a responsible choice for recycling and reducing the environmental impact.

Will You Buy an Abandoned Car on My Property in Amarillo?

If you have an abandoned car on your property in Amarillo, you may be wondering what to do with it. Fortunately, some companies, like Rusty's Auto Salvage, specialize in buying abandoned cars. Here's how the process typically works:
  • Contact the Buyer: Reach out to  a company that buys abandoned cars. Explain the situation and provide details about the car's location and condition.
  • Inspection and Quote: The buyer will send someone to inspect the abandoned car. They'll assess its condition and offer you a quote based on its value.
  • Agree to Terms: If you're satisfied with the offer, you can agree to the terms of the sale. The buyer will take care of the necessary paperwork and logistics.
  • Removal: The buyer will arrange for the removal of the abandoned car from your property. You won't have to worry about towing or transportation.
  • Payment: Once the transaction is complete, you'll receive payment for the abandoned car.
Selling an abandoned car not only clears your property but also puts some extra cash in your pocket. It's a win-win situation!

How to Sell My Junk Car in Amarillo, Texas?

If you're looking to sell your junk car in Amarillo, Texas, the process is similar to selling it anywhere else. Follow the steps mentioned earlier, such as gathering documentation, researching the car's value, contacting buyers, and completing the sale. The key is to find reputable buyers in your specific area.

Amarillo, Texas: Where the Sky Meets the Panhandle

Amarillo, Texas is a vibrant city that sits at the heart of the Texas Panhandle. With its unique blend of western heritage, modern amenities, and breathtaking landscapes, Amarillo offers an unforgettable experience for residents and visitors alike.

Historical Charm and Cultural Richness

Amarillo is steeped in history, and you can explore its rich past at places like the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame & Museum. Learn about the iconic American Quarter Horse and its significance in the region's ranching culture. For a taste of local art and culture, the Amarillo Art Museum is a must-visit, featuring a diverse collection of artworks from both regional and international artists.

The Famous Cadillac Ranch

No visit to Amarillo is complete without a stop at the iconic Cadillac Ranch. This unique art installation features a row of Cadillac cars buried nose-first in the ground, creating an ever-changing canvas for graffiti artists. Visitors are encouraged to bring their spray paint cans and leave their mark on this Texas landmark.

Outdoor Adventures Await

If you're an outdoor enthusiast, Amarillo has plenty to offer. Head to Palo Duro Canyon State Park, often called the "Grand Canyon of Texas," for hiking, biking, and stunning canyon views. The park's vibrant colors and rugged beauty are a sight to behold. For a more relaxed outdoor experience, visit the Amarillo Botanical Gardens and revel in the beauty of lush gardens and serene ponds.

Texas-Style Dining

Don't forget to indulge in some Texas barbecue while in Amarillo. Head to The Big Texan Steak Ranch, famous for its 72-ounce steak challenge. If you're not up for the colossal meal, the restaurant offers a wide range of delicious barbecue options for every appetite.

Route 66 Nostalgia

Amarillo is also a proud stop along the historic Route 66. Take a drive along this iconic highway and soak in the nostalgia of a bygone era. The Route 66 Historic District in Amarillo features vintage shops, diners, and motels that will transport you back in time.

What if I change my mind?

You can change your mind at anytime up until you sign the title over to us. Even if the tow truck driver has already shown up you can decide that you do not want to sell your car to us and cancel the transaction. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. We will work with you to make sure you are thrilled with selling you junk car.

Can you pick up my car if I'm not there?

The only situation in which this would be possible is when you have your car at the mechanic and we tow it from there. In that case, it's possible for us to leave payment with the mechanic. However, we won't come to your house and tow your car away if you aren't there to meet us. You're going to want to be there to accept your payment!

If I put in a new battery will my car be worth a lot more?

Putting new parts in your vehicle such as a battery may increase the value slightly. We don't recommend doing any work on your car unless you have a personal reason to do so. It's best to just call Rusty's now and get max cash for your junk car without spending any extra time trying to increase its value by a tiny bit.

Which documents must I have in order to sell my junk car?

We can buy cars without titles in some states. However, we can offer more money if you have your title in hand. If you need to replace your title visit one of the DMV offices listed on this page or call us and we can help you through the process. In some cases we will also need your registration. If you are just selling your car for the value of the scrap metal then registration is not usually needed.

How is car donation done?

Car donation can be done in two ways. First there are charities which have an in-house car buying service. Second other charities go through a junk car buyer. Perhaps the worst part of donating your car is that most of the money will end up in the hands of the junk car buyer instead of the people you have intended to help. To ensure that most of your cash will go to the charity of your choice then you can call us today sell your car to us and use the money for donation.

Amarillo, Texas

Longitude Latitude Income/Household Population Elevation Land/Water
-101.8639385 35.1886 $40,783 220580 3617 617.78 / 7.3
Longitude -101.8639385
Latitude 35.1886
Income/Household $40,783
Population 220580
Elevation 3617
Land/Water 617.78 / 7.3

DMV Locations Near You:

Rustys Auto Salvage can pay you the most money if you have your title on hand when we pick up your car. If you need DMV paperwork find a Department of Motor Vehicles near your from the list below:

City Address Zip Phone
Amarillo 501 S Fillmore St Rm 3B 79101 (806) 379-2360
Amarillo 4200 Canyon Dr 79109 (806) 468-1400

How to sign your Texas car title:

Review the images below for title signing instructions for your state. We make signing over your title easy. Just sign your name where the sample signatures are shown below. Please call our fiendly customer support staff if you have any questions.

Front of Title

Front of Title Texas

Back of Title

Back of Title for Texas

We Will Buy Your Car for Cash in Texas

Cash Paid for Junk Cars Near Amarillo, Texas

Below are recent cash offers for junk cars from junkyards near you in Amarillo. Conditions vary and every vehicle is different. Get a quote for your car in minutes by calling 1-866-439-4401

2001 Chevrolet Silverado

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $1,225

2006 Ford Escape

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $600

2011 GMC Acadia

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $955

2005 Chevrolet TrailBlazer

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $680

2002 Dodge Dakota

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $555

2000 Toyota Sienna

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $500

I was given the job to sell my brother's old pickup truck over my holiday break. Pretty sure my parents thought it would take my whole vacation. Thanks to Rusty's the pick-up truck was gone in less than 48 hours…

Elisabeth - Dallas, TX

Rusty's was quick and easy they were very helpful thanks to the staff for everything

Devon - Laredo, TX

I had a wonderfully experience with the company they were fast and I didn't have to wait they came rite out to pick up the car.

Regina - El Paso, TX

How to Get Cash for Junk Cars in Amarillo Texas

  • Call for quote

    Get an instant quote by calling 1-866-439-4401

  • Clock

    Schedule your free towing (as soon as today).

  • Cash for junk cars

    Our tower will pay you on the spot.

  • Cash for Cars

    We will tow the junk car away FREE of charge.

Call 1-866-439-4401 for an instant Quote