Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000
Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000

Fort Collins, Colorado Junkyards & Salvage Yards

Fort Collins - get rid of your junk car once and for all. We pay top dollar for Fort Collins junk cars.

You have to think about it every single time you walk out your front door. What a headache! People gawk when they drive by your yard, and your significant other’s been trying to get you to sell it for weeks. It’s about time you got rid of your junk car. The best day to sell your junk car is always today ,especially when you can make thousands of dollars from it in less than a day.

Don’t get caught up in a scam, or trying to get in contact with individual buyers who drop off the map after they see your car. Sell to Rusty’s Auto Salvage, and you’ll have cash for your junk car in less than 24 hours if you need it.

We get incredible reviews over and over again because our customers are always happy with our service. Do you want to be one of these happy customers? All you have to do is call Rusty’s at 866-439-4401 and you could be.

We buy junk cars in all conditions

Maybe you’ve driven the car for a couple of years, maybe you’ve had it for twenty. Regardless, all cars reach junk car status eventually. We’re proud of you for coming to the conclusion that you need to sell, It’s not an easy one to come to. Are you doubtful that we’ll buy your car, even though we say we’ll take it in any condition? Challenge us! We’ve never said no to a junk car sale. Did you total your car, or is the engine completely rusted out? We’re still interested because regardless of condition, your junk car has scrap metal value.

The only paperwork you’re going to need to gather is the title and registration, which you should have sitting in a safe spot. We don’t require you to print or fill out any additional paperwork. Having trouble finding your title and registration? Get in touch with your local Colorado DMV office and they can get you extra copies. Have some questions before you call the DMV? You can reach Rusty’s at 866-439-4401.

Junk car today, cash tomorrow

We’re so quick here at Rusty’s that if you call us now, we could be putting cash in your hands and hauling your car away by tomorrow. Call us at 866-439-4401 to get your free quote and get the ball rolling.

There’s never been a better day than today to sell your junk car. Call Rusty’s now at 866-439-4401!

There Is So Much To Explore In Fort Collins

You can go on the Fort Collins Ghost Tour or explore the Totally 80's Pizza and Museum. However it can feel like you're exploring junk car after junk car. Sometimes you may not even notice that you have a junk car because there are so many around you. Well we can help you get cash for your junk car so you can get a newer model. Call us at 1-866-439-4401 and set up a time for us to come and pick up your junk car for free. We will also give you a top dollar quote over the phone after you give us a quick detailed description of your car and any damage it has sustained. Then we give you a check with your name on it when the tow truck comes to pick it up. We make the selling process easy and fast. Call us today and learn about our high quotes. We pay more than any of our competitors because we want you to have the most money in your pocket after working with us.

How to Choose a Junk Car Buyer in Fort Collins

Choose a Junk Car Buyer in Fort Collins, Colorado If you're wondering, "Will you still buy my junk car in Fort Collins if I cannot drive it to you?" you're not alone. Many people find themselves in a similar situation, with a car that's seen better days and is no longer roadworthy. The good news is that in Fort Collins, there are reputable junk car buyers who are more than willing to purchase your non-running vehicle. In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of selling your junk car in Fort Collins, including how to choose the right buyer.

Consider Reputation and Reviews

One of the first things you should do when looking for a junk car buyer in Fort Collins is to check their reputation and read reviews. Start by searching online and looking for feedback from previous customers. Positive reviews and a good reputation indicate that the buyer is trustworthy and reliable. You want to work with a buyer who has a track record of providing fair offers and excellent customer service.

Get Multiple Quotes

Don't settle for the first offer you receive. Instead, get multiple quotes from different junk car buyers in Fort Collins. This will give you a better understanding of the market value of your car and help you avoid getting lowballed. Different buyers may offer different prices based on factors like the car's make, model, condition, and demand for its parts.

What Aspects of a Junk Car Add the Most Value in Fort Collins?

Now that you know how to choose a junk car buyer in Fort Collins, let's talk about what aspects of a junk car can add the most value. When selling your old car for cash, you'll want to maximize your profit. Here are some key factors that can influence the value of your junk car in Fort Collins:

Vehicle Age and Make

The age and make of your car play a significant role in its value. Generally, newer cars or those from popular brands tend to fetch higher prices. However, even older or less-known makes can have valuable parts that buyers are interested in.

Condition of the Car

The overall condition of your junk car matters. If your car has significant damage, rust, or missing parts, its value may decrease. Conversely, a car that's in relatively good condition, despite being non-running, may be worth more to a buyer. Ensure you provide an accurate description of your car's condition when requesting quotes.

How Many Cars Are Wrecked Each Year in Colorado?

Before delving further into selling your junk car in Fort Collins, let's take a moment to consider the broader picture: how many cars are wrecked each year in Colorado? Understanding the scale of the issue can provide valuable insights into the demand for junk car parts and the availability of buyers in your area.

The National Statistics

Nationwide, thousands of cars are wrecked or declared totaled each year. Accidents, natural disasters, and age-related issues contribute to this high number. Many of these cars end up being sold for scrap or used for parts. This industry is a crucial part of recycling and reducing automotive waste.

Local Impact in Colorado

The exact number of wrecked cars in Colorado may vary from year to year, depending on various factors. Local statistics and data from authorities can provide a more accurate picture of the situation. It's worth noting that the high number of wrecked cars often leads to a thriving junk car market, making it easier to find buyers for your vehicle.

How Do I Scrap My Car That's Been Wrecked in Fort Collins?

Scrap My Car That's Been Wrecked in Fort Collins, Colorado Now that you have a better understanding of the junk car market in Fort Collins and the factors that affect your car's value, let's explore the process of scrapping your wrecked car. Whether your car was involved in an accident, suffered extensive damage, or simply reached the end of its life, scrapping it can be a practical and eco-friendly choice.

Step 1: Gather Necessary Documents

First, ensure you have all the necessary documents in order. This includes the car's title and any relevant paperwork. You'll need to prove ownership when selling your junk car in Fort Collins.

Step 2: Remove Personal Belongings

Before handing over your car, be sure to remove any personal belongings from the vehicle. Check the glove compartment, under the seats, and the trunk to ensure nothing important is left behind.

Step 3: Contact Junk Car Buyers

Reach out to local junk car buyers in Fort Collins and request quotes for your vehicle. Provide accurate details about your car's make, model, condition, and any specific issues it may have. Compare the offers you receive and choose the buyer that offers the best deal.

Step 4: Schedule Pick-Up or Drop-Off

Once you've selected a buyer, schedule a convenient pick-up or drop-off time. Some buyers offer towing services, so they can come to your location and collect the car. Others may require you to bring the vehicle to their facility.

Step 5: Get Paid

After the buyer inspects the car and ensures it matches the description you provided, you'll receive your payment. In most cases, you'll get paid in cash. Make sure you have the title ready to sign over to the buyer.

What Should I do if my transmission slips in Fort Collins?

If you find yourself in Fort Collins and your car's transmission starts slipping, it can be a frustrating and potentially costly situation. Transmission issues are common in older vehicles, and they can significantly impact the overall value of your car. Here's what you should do if you're facing this problem:

1. Seek Professional Inspection

The first step is to have your car inspected by a qualified mechanic in Fort Collins. They can diagnose the exact issue with your transmission and provide you with an estimate for the repairs. It's essential to get a professional opinion to understand the severity of the problem.

2. Consider Repair Costs

Once you have an estimate for the transmission repairs, you'll need to weigh the costs against the value of your car. In some cases, the cost of fixing a transmission may exceed the car's worth, especially if it's an older or high-mileage vehicle. It's essential to make an informed decision about whether the repairs are financially viable.

What are the Laws Regarding Junk or Abandoned Cars in Colorado?

Understanding the laws regarding junk or abandoned cars in Colorado is crucial, especially if you're considering selling your car for cash. These laws can vary from state to state, but there are some common regulations that you should be aware of:

1. Ownership and Title

In Colorado, you'll typically need to prove ownership of the vehicle and have a clear title to sell it legally. This is to prevent the sale of stolen cars. Ensure that you have the necessary paperwork in order before attempting to sell your junk car.

2. Abandoned Vehicle Laws

Colorado may have specific laws regarding abandoned vehicles. If your car has been sitting in one place for an extended period, it could be considered abandoned. In such cases, local authorities may have the right to remove the vehicle at your expense.

Can I Get More Money for My Junk Car if I Just Added New Parts?

If you're looking to increase the value of your junk car in Fort Collins, you may wonder if adding new parts can help you fetch a higher price. While it's true that some upgrades can enhance your car's value, you should consider a few factors:

1. Type of Parts

The type of parts you add matters. Upgrading essential components like the engine or transmission can significantly increase your car's value. However, if you're investing in cosmetic upgrades, the impact on the selling price may be limited.

2. Overall Condition

Adding new parts can boost your car's value, but it's crucial to assess the vehicle's overall condition. If the car has extensive rust, body damage, or other significant issues, the added parts may not justify a substantial price increase.

Do I Need Paperwork to Get Cash for Junk Cars in Fort Collins?

When selling your junk car in Fort Collins, having the necessary paperwork is essential to ensure a smooth and legal transaction. Here are the key documents you'll typically need:

1. Car Title

Having a clear and valid car title is crucial. It proves your ownership of the vehicle and allows you to transfer it to the new owner legally. If you don't have the title, it can be challenging to sell your junk car in Fort Collins.

2. Bill of Sale

A bill of sale is a document that records the sale of the car and includes details such as the purchase price, date of sale, and the names of the buyer and seller. While it may not always be required, having a bill of sale can provide legal protection for both parties.

We Buy Junk Cars for Cash in Colorado

If you're wondering whether you can sell multiple junk cars in Colorado, you're not alone. Many people find themselves with multiple old vehicles taking up space on their properties. Fortunately, there are options for selling these cars for cash. In Colorado, there are buyers who specialize in purchasing junk cars, and they are often more than willing to take multiple vehicles off your hands.

1. Assess the Condition of Your Cars

The first step in selling multiple junk cars in Colorado is to assess the condition of each vehicle. Take a close look at their overall state, including factors like whether they start, the extent of damage, and any missing parts. This assessment will help you determine their individual value.

2. Find a Reputable Junk Car Buyer

Research and identify reputable junk car buyers in Colorado. Look for companies with a track record of fair deals and reliable service. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations can be beneficial in this process. Contact these buyers to inquire about their interest in purchasing multiple vehicles.

My Car Doesn't Start in Fort Collins

It's not uncommon to face a situation where your car doesn't start in Fort Collins. Whether it's due to a dead battery, a faulty starter, or more significant engine issues, dealing with a non-starting car can be frustrating. Here's what you can do:

1. Diagnose the Problem

If your car doesn't start, begin by diagnosing the problem. Check the battery, inspect the starter, and listen for any unusual sounds. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, seek the help of a qualified mechanic in Fort Collins. They can identify the issue and provide repair options.

2. Consider Repair Costs

Once you know the cause of the starting problem, you'll need to evaluate the cost of repairs versus the value of your car. If the repairs are extensive and costly, it may be more practical to sell the car for cash in Fort Collins rather than investing in repairs.

Should I Donate or Sell My Junk Car in Fort Collins, Colorado?

Deciding between donating or selling your junk car in Fort Collins, Colorado, is a significant choice. Both options have their merits, and your decision should align with your personal goals and values. Here's how to approach this decision:

1. Donate Your Car

If you choose to donate your junk car in Fort Collins, Colorado, you'll be contributing to a charitable cause. Many organizations accept old cars, even if they're not in working condition. Donating can provide you with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that your vehicle will benefit a charity or nonprofit organization.

2. Sell Your Car for Cash

On the other hand, selling your junk car for cash in Fort Collins, Colorado, can put money in your pocket. If you're in need of extra funds or want to recoup some value from your old vehicle, this is the way to go. Junk car buyers in Fort Collins, Colorado, are often willing to pay for cars in various conditions.

How Hard Is It to Get Rid of a Junk Car in Fort Collins?

Getting rid of a junk car in Fort Collins can be a straightforward process when you know your options. Here are the steps to make it easier:

1. Research Local Buyers

Start by researching local junk car buyers in Fort Collins. Look for businesses that specialize in buying non-running or damaged vehicles. You can often find these buyers online or through local listings.

2. Request Quotes

Contact multiple buyers and request quotes for your junk car. Be prepared to provide details about the car's make, model, condition, and any issues it may have. Comparing quotes will help you get the best deal.

About Fort Collins, Colorado

Rich History and Vibrant Culture

Fort Collins, Colorado, is a city that beautifully combines its rich history with a vibrant and contemporary culture. Founded as a military fort in the mid-1800s, Fort Collins has grown into a thriving community known for its welcoming atmosphere and diverse population.

Natural Beauty and Outdoor Adventures

Nestled against the backdrop of the stunning Rocky Mountains, Fort Collins offers nature enthusiasts a paradise of outdoor adventures. With easy access to hiking, biking, and camping, the city is a gateway to exploring the natural wonders of Colorado. Horsetooth Reservoir, just west of the city, is a popular spot for water sports and picnicking.

The Craft Beer Capital

Fort Collins has earned a reputation as the "Craft Beer Capital of Colorado" for a good reason. The city boasts a thriving craft beer scene with numerous breweries offering a wide range of brews. Take a stroll along the Fort Collins Ale Trail and savor some of the finest craft beers in the state.

Downtown Delights

The heart of Fort Collins lies in its charming downtown area. You'll find historic buildings, lively street performers, and a variety of shops and boutiques. Old Town Square is a hub of activity with its quaint restaurants, cafes, and a bustling nightlife.

Education and Innovation

Home to Colorado State University, Fort Collins has a strong educational presence. The university contributes to the city's culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, making it a hub for technology and research-driven businesses.

Community Events and Festivals

Fort Collins hosts a plethora of community events and festivals throughout the year. From the Colorado Brewer's Festival to the NewWestFest music festival, there's always something exciting happening in the city. These events bring the community together and celebrate the city's vibrant spirit.

Quality of Life

With its friendly neighborhoods, excellent schools, and a commitment to sustainability, Fort Collins consistently ranks as one of the best places to live in the United States. The city's dedication to environmental conservation and bike-friendly infrastructure contributes to its high quality of life. In summary, Fort Collins, Colorado, offers a unique blend of history, culture, natural beauty, and innovation. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a craft beer lover, or someone seeking a welcoming community, Fort Collins has something to offer everyone.

If the motor is broken will you still buy my car?

We buy cars that are totalled, dead, or unfit for the road in all sorts of ways. We actually prefer to buy cars in this condition because our specialty is vehicle recycling. Once your car stops running, it has a higher value in terms of its recycle-able parts, so the quote we offer to you is based on the cost of all the metals and other components in your junk vehicle.

Do I need any documents to sell my junk car?

If you want max cash for your junk car, you should provide a valid drivers license, title, and registration. Rusty's is always happy to help you get your hands on any missing papers. All you have to do is call us up and tell us a little bit about your situation. We'll have you on your way to a junk car sale in no time.

Do I have to remove the fluids from my junk car?

One the great things about selling your junk car to Rusty's Auto Salvage is that we take care of everything. You can leave all your fluids in your vehicle, no need to deal with disposing of toxic stuff like oil, antifreeze, brake fluid etc. Our tow truck drivers will check out your car to make sure it is safe to tow and then they will hand you a check and drive off into the sunset.

How long will it take you to get my car?

We value your time, so we try to be as quick as possible with our pickup time. That being said, the condition and location of your car can affect the speed at which it is picked up. For example, if your car is not mobile we have to send a special kind of tow truck, which can take more time. If you want to know the exact pickup time for your car our agent would be happy to give you the exact time. Our main concern is making sure you get the most money for your car without it becoming a hassle.

How do I release liability for my junk car when I sell it?

Most states have a release of liability form that you can fill out and mail in to your local DMV office. This form notifies your state that you have sold your car and that your no longer responsible for it if it is in an accident, receives tickets or goes through automated toll booths. If you have questions about filling our or sending in your release of liability form, our junk car buying experts will walk you through the process and help to make sure you file the form correctly.

What can I do to increase the value of my Junk Car?

The best thing you can do is to have the proper paperwork on hand. Having the title and the registration can increase the value of your car. If you need help getting either, let us know and we can point you in the right direction.

Is it a good choice to sell my vehicle to a junkyard?

Yes, provided you know what you're doing. First do your research to ensure that your junkyard of choice is a reputable one. Then you must take your car to the junkyard or you can pay for it to be towed. But at Rusty's Auto Salvage, we can guarantee that we'll make your car selling experience as easy and relaxing as possible. Call us today and one of our agents will guide you to the process.

Do I need to present any document when selling my car?

In some states we can purchase automobiles without their titles. But if you have the title with you then we can offer more money for your clunker. Should you need a replacement for your title you can go to your local DMV oiffce to get a new one. Alternatively you can also call us so that we can assist you with it.

Is a proper registration really that important when it comes to sellling my clunker?

Yes it is still important because it can make the car selling process a bit faster. The title however is the one document that you really need to have when you sell your clunker. If you do not have the title with you then you can get one from your local DMV office. Call us today and one of our friendly agents shall discuss with you how to sell your clunker at a top dollar price.

Fort Collins, Colorado

Longitude Latitude Income/Household Population Elevation Land/Water
-105.057116 40.557418 $50,153 175625 5003 206.59 / 13.76
Longitude -105.057116
Latitude 40.557418
Income/Household $50,153
Population 175625
Elevation 5003
Land/Water 206.59 / 13.76

DMV Locations Near You:

Rustys Auto Salvage can pay you the most money if you have your title on hand when we pick up your car. If you need DMV paperwork find a Department of Motor Vehicles near your from the list below:

City Address Zip Phone
Fort Collins 1121 W Prospect Rd 80526 (970) 494-9813
Fort Collins 3030 S College Ave Suite 100 80525 (970) 494-9806

How to sign your Colorado car title:

Review the images below for title signing instructions for your state. We make signing over your title easy. Just sign your name where the sample signatures are shown below. Please call our fiendly customer support staff if you have any questions.

Front of Title

Front of Title Colorado

Back of Title

Back of Title for Colorado

We Will Buy Your Car for Cash in Colorado

Cash Paid for Junk Cars Near Fort Collins, Colorado

Below are recent cash offers for junk cars from junkyards near you in Fort Collins. Conditions vary and every vehicle is different. Get a quote for your car in minutes by calling 1-866-439-4401

2008 Chrysler 300C

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $645

2018 Chevrolet Malibu

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $3,385

2010 Volkswagen Tiguan

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $925

2012 Chrysler 200

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $500

2006 Dodge Caravan

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $605

2013 Chrysler 300

Has Title: Yes Cash Offered: $820

Great service! Quick and Easy!

Cynch - Fort Collins, CO

I never knew such a place existed! The GREAT thing about this company is they take care of everything for you! Excellent service!

Jane - Colorado Springs, CO

Rusty's made the transaction quick and convenient. Friendly staff and walked me right through the sale and made it a real simple deal. Thanks much!

Steve - Denver, CO

How to Get Cash for Junk Cars in Fort Collins Colorado

  • Call for quote

    Get an instant quote by calling 1-866-439-4401

  • Clock

    Schedule your free towing (as soon as today).

  • Cash for junk cars

    Our tower will pay you on the spot.

  • Cash for Cars

    We will tow the junk car away FREE of charge.

Call 1-866-439-4401 for an instant Quote